Con La Puerta Abierta
Ya no andes durmiendo con la puerta abierta
Don't go to sleep with the door open anymore
Se acabo aquel tiempo que no has de olvidar,
That time has ended, you must not forget
Cuando me esperabas lucida y despierta
When you waited for me, radiant and awake
Hasta que en la casa me veias entrar.
Until you saw me entering the house
Ya no andes durmiendo con la puerta abierta
Don't go to sleep with the door open anymore
Pueden los ladrones entrar a robar,
Thieves can come in to steal
De cualquier manera para mi estas muerta
Anyway, for me, you are dead
Y a tu casa nunca me veras pasar.
And you will never see me at your house
Ni aunque te salieras a dormir al patio
Not even if you went to sleep in the backyard
Volvere a quererte entiendelo asi,
I will not love you again, understand it like that
De nada te sirve hacer tanto teatro
It's useless to put on so much drama
Cierra ya esa puerta y vete a dormir.
Close that door now and go to sleep
Ya no andes durmiendo con la puerta abierta
Don't go to sleep with the door open anymore
Pueden los ladrones entrar a robar,
Thieves can come in to steal
De cualquier manera para mi estas muerta
Anyway, for me, you are dead
Y a tu casa nunca me veras pasar.
And you will never see me at your house
Ni aunque te salieras a dormir al patio
Not even if you went to sleep in the backyard
Volvere a quererte entiendelo asi,
I will not love you again, understand it like that
De nada te sirve hacer tanto teatro
It's useless to put on so much drama
Cierra ya esa puerta y vete a dormir.
Close that door now and go to sleep