Luis Alfonso Partida (El Yaki)Lyrics
Dijimos que lo nuestro era un amor de los que duran
We said that ours was a love that lasts
Vaya manera de tirarlo a la basura
What a way to throw it in the trash
Yo he cumplido con mi parte, que era amarte
I've fulfilled my part, which was to love you
De eso no queda ni una duda
There's no doubt about that
Dijimos que funcionaría, pero tomaste otra salida
We said it would work, but you took another path
Y se quedaron tantas cosas prometidas
And so many promised things were left behind
Sabes que me lastimaste, que me fallaste
You know you hurt me, you failed me
Y no te miro arrepentida
And you don't look repentant
Dijimos que era verdadero y de los dos fui el único qué lo creí
We said it was true, and I was the only one who believed it
Dijimos que no había necesidad para mentir
We said there was no need to lie
Pero tú jamás me lo cumpliste, me hiciste tan infeliz
But you never fulfilled it, you made me so unhappy
Dijimos que no había manera de que algo tan fuerte
We said there was no way something so strong
Pudiera acabar, que el uno para el otro sería siempre prioridad
Could end, that we would always be a priority for each other
Pero hiciste todo lo contrario y me quedaste tan mal
But you did the opposite, and you left me so bad
Dijimos que era para siempre y tú no fuiste tan valiente
We said it was forever, and you weren't so brave
Dijimos todo menos que iba a terminar
We said everything except that it would end
¡Ay ojitos!
Oh, little eyes!
Dijimos que era verdadero
We said it was true
Y de los dos fui el único que lo creí
And I was the only one who believed it
Dijimos que no había necesidad para mentir
We said there was no need to lie
Pero tú jamás me lo cumpliste, me hiciste tan infeliz
But you never fulfilled it, you made me so unhappy
Dijimos que no había manera de que algo tan fuerte
We said there was no way something so strong
Pudiera acabar, que el uno para el otro sería siempre prioridad
Could end, that we would always be a priority for each other
Pero hiciste todo lo contrario y me quedaste tan mal
But you did the opposite, and you left me so bad
Dijimos que era para siempre
We said it was forever
Y tú no fuiste tan valiente
And you weren't so brave
Dijimos todo menos que iba a terminar
We said everything except that it would end
Dijimos todo menos que te iba a llorar
We said everything except that I would cry for you