Acepto El Reto

Kaleth Morales
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ay ya no pienso rogarte mas amor

Oh, I won't beg you for love anymore

yo pienso que esto no es justo conmigo

I think this isn't fair to me

mi vida te la entregue sin razon

I gave you my life without reason

y creo que es el motivo

And I think that's the reason

para que ni un motivo te salgan de esos labios tan bonitos

So not even one reason comes from those pretty lips of yours

mi vidaaa ya conoces mis errores

My life, you already know my mistakes

ya sabes que perfecta no es mi vida

You know my life isn't perfect

pero nunca captes eso en un hombre

But never perceive that in a man

por el que te conto

For what someone told you

por el primer rumor

For the first rumor

que hay en la esquinaaa

That's going around

aaay deja que te visitee

Oh, let me come to visit you

que andas pendiente de mi llamada

You're attentive to my calls

y no vallas a decirme que lo estais haciendo es obligada

And don't tell me you're doing it out of obligation

me parece imposible

It seems impossible

que de tu corazon no salga nada

That nothing comes out of your heart

el cuerpo te lo pide

Your body craves it

sin embargo sigues obstinadaaa

Yet you remain obstinate

ni la palabraa dicha

Neither spoken words

ni la flecha lanzadaa

Nor arrows shot

ni la oportunidad

Nor opportunity

tienen revez

Have a reverse

me teneis del timbo al tamboooo

You have me all confused

me quereis tene en bandeja

You want to have me on a platter

y eso no se va a poder

And that's not going to happen

con un brazo estiras con el otro encoges

You stretch with one arm, retract with the other

y asi no se puede reinaa

And that's no way, my queen

con un brazo estiras con el otro encoges

You stretch with one arm, retract with the other

y sigues igual de tercaa

And you remain just as stubborn

aaaay con un brazo estiras con el otro encoges Reina

Oh, you stretch with one arm, retract with the other, my queen

Moderated by Ricardo Romero
Montevideo, Uruguay December 1, 2024
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