Te Hablo
Juan Carlos BagliettoLyrics
Te hablo desde el corazón
I speak to you from the heart
yo se lo que es vivir en las tinieblas
I know what it's like to live in the darkness
parece que el alma se queda
It seems like the soul
sin salir a escena.
doesn't come out on stage.
Te hablo desde mas aca
I speak to you from beyond
sigo buscando lo imposible
I keep searching for the impossible
hacer que la vida sea vivible
to make life livable
y no engañar.
and not deceive.
Habra pasado mucho tiempo largo
It must have been a long time
habra quedado tanto en el costado
so much must have remained on the side
habra llegado un tiempo tan distinto
such a different time must have come
seguro te habras enamorado.
surely you must have fallen in love.
Si esto es la vida
If this is life
no se que hacer para que creas,
I don't know what to do to make you believe,
te han confinado te han lastimado con mentiras,
they've confined you, they've hurt you with lies,
no puedo prometerte nada
I can't promise you anything
no puedo decirte nada
I can't tell you anything
mas que vivas.
other than to live.
Te hablo desde el corazón
I speak to you from the heart
no vale ya vivir arrepentido
It's not worth living in regret anymore
no hay deudas posibles, ni culpas
There are no possible debts or guilt
te matan pero te dejan vivo.
they kill you but leave you alive.
Habra pasado ...
It must have been...
Si esto es la v ida ...
If this is life...
mas que vivas.
other than to live.
mas que sigas,
other than to continue,
mas que vivas,
other than to live,
mas que sigas.
other than to continue.