El Corralero

Horacio Guarany
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Esta enfermo el corralero

The corralero is sick

Allá en el potrero

Out there in the pasture

Como viejo está

He's aged

Hay que ayudarlo a que muera

We must help him to die

Para que no sufra más

So he doesn't suffer anymore

Siempre fuiste el más certero

You were always the most accurate

Y por eso debes su mal aliviar

And for that, you must alleviate his suffering

Como pretenden que yo

How do they expect me

Que lo crié de potrillo

Who raised him from a colt

Clave en su pecho un cuchillo

To drive a knife into his chest

Porque el patrón lo ordenó

Just because the boss ordered it

Déjelo no más pastar

Let him graze as he is

No rechace mi consejo

Don't reject my advice

Que yo lo voy a enterrar

Because I will bury him

Cuando se muera de viejo

When he dies of old age

Junto al estero del bajo

Next to the stream down below

Lo encontré rendido

I found him exhausted

Casi al expirar

Almost breathing his last

Me acerqué muy lentamente

I approached very slowly

Y se lo quise explicar

And tried to explain it to him

Pero al verlo resignado

But seeing him resigned

Me tembló la mano

My hand trembled

Y me puse a llorar

And I started to cry

Como pretenden que yo

How do they expect me

Que lo crié de potrillo

Who raised him from a colt

Clave en su pecho un cuchillo

To drive a knife into his chest

Porque el patrón lo ordenó

Just because the boss ordered it

Déjelo no más pastar

Let him graze as he is

No rechace mi consejo

Don't reject my advice

Que yo lo voy a enterrar

Because I will bury him

Cuando se muera de viejo

When he dies of old age

Moderated by Alejandro López
Madrid, España May 31, 2024
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