
Canciones Religiosas
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Mi alma canta el amor de Dios

My soul sings the love of God

mi espíritu, al Salvador

my spirit, to the Savior

porque El miró mi humildad

because He looked upon my humility

todo el mundo me aclamará

the whole world will acclaim me

Y la Virgen Santa

And the Holy Virgin

le cantó al Señor

sang to the Lord

dándole las gracias

thanking Him

por su gran amor [bis]

for His great love [repeat]

Al humilde Dios levantará

To the humble, God will lift up

al soberbio lo derribará

to the proud, He will bring down

al hambriento le dará su pan

to the hungry, He will give His bread

y a los ricos los despedirá

and the rich, He will send away

Y la Virgen Santa

And the Holy Virgin

Desde siempre Dios nos eligió

From the beginning, God chose us

para ser testigos de su amor

to be witnesses of His love

su misericordia y su bondad

His mercy and His goodness

con nosotros siempre estarán

will always be with us

Y la Virgen Santa

And the Holy Virgin

Moderated by Carlos García
Lima, Perú May 22, 2024
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