Tu Manera de Querer
Carla MorrisonLyrics
Tu silencio, me lastima
Your silence hurts me
por que grita, como el fuego...
because it screams, like fire...
Eres frio como el viento
You are cold like the wind
y me cuesta entenderlo.
and it's hard for me to understand it.
Tu manera de querer...
Your way of loving...
Tu manera de querer...
Your way of loving...
Mayormente, me vigilas
Mostly, you watch over me
con preguntas, acertivas
with assertive questions
Que proyectan tu placer
That project your pleasure
la calma, de tu mover
the calmness of your movements
Tu manera de querer...
Your way of loving...
Tu manera de querer...
Your way of loving...
Tu lenguaje corporal, habla de mas
Your body language speaks too much
y en tus labios no veo esa verdad
and on your lips, I don't see that truth
mis ojos descubrire y contemplare
I will discover and contemplate my eyes
Cada parte de tu ser...
Every part of your being...
Tu manera de querer...
Your way of loving...
Tus razones, me dominan
Your reasons dominate me
cautelosas, encaminan
cautiously guiding
Tu seguridad me asombra
Your confidence amazes me
es tu magia mi derrota...
your magic is my defeat...
Tu manera de querer...
Your way of loving...
Tu manera de querer...
Your way of loving...
Eres la guía, a mi ceguera
You are the guide to my blindness
que me ayuda, a mirar hacia afuera
that helps me look outward
tu recuerdo me derrumba, mis barreras mas profundas
your memory breaks down my deepest barriers
Tu manera de querer...
Your way of loving...
Tu manera de querer...
Your way of loving...
Tu lenguaje corporal, habla de mas
Your body language speaks too much
y en tus labios no veo esa verdad
and on your lips, I don't see that truth
mis ojos descubrire y contemplare
I will discover and contemplate my eyes
Cada parte de tu ser...
Every part of your being...
Tu manera de querer...
Your way of loving...