Edwin Luna y La Trakalosa de MonterreyLyrics
Escuchame bien tengo algo que decirte
Listen to me well, I have something to tell you
Pon mucha atencion por que el que te habla es mi corazon
Pay close attention because the one speaking to you is my heart
El no es un hombre por que los hombre
He's not a man because men
Nunca jugan con muñecas
Never play with dolls
Hace contigo lo que quiere y me da rabia
He does with you what he wants, and it makes me angry
Que lo soportes y agaches la cabeza
That you endure it and lower your head
Ya no es un niño para jugar contigo a las escondidas
He's no longer a child to play hide and seek with you
Y dejar que duermas sola en tu cama
And let you sleep alone in your bed
Esta tirando a la basura toda tu vida
He's throwing your whole life in the trash
Preguntale si te a besado, preguntale si te a tocado
Ask him if he has kissed you, ask him if he has touched you
Cara poro de tu piel
Every pore of your skin
Preguntale si le hace falta un beso tuyo en las mañanas
Ask him if he misses a kiss from you in the mornings
Si deberas quiere amor y no placer
If he really wants love and not just pleasure
Pregunta y miralo de frente estoy seguro que te miente
Ask and look at him straight, I'm sure he lies to you
Pero no lo quieres ver
But you don't want to see it
El con tu cuerpo se divierte y yo muriendo por tenerte
He enjoys with your body, and I'm dying to have you
Cuando estes cansanda de su inmadurez aqui te esperare
When you're tired of his immaturity, I'll be here waiting
Aunque tardes mucho, tiempo siempre estare para ti chiquititita
Even if it takes a long time, I'll always be here for you, my little one
Esto es Edwin Luna y La Trakalosa de Monterrey
This is Edwin Luna and La Trakalosa de Monterrey
Ya no es un niño para jugar contigo a las escondidas
He's no longer a child to play hide and seek with you
Y dejar que duermas sola en tu cama
And let you sleep alone in your bed
Esta tirando a la basura toda tu vida
He's throwing your whole life in the trash
Preguntale si te a besado, preguntale si te a tocado
Ask him if he has kissed you, ask him if he has touched you
Cara poro de tu piel
Every pore of your skin
Preguntale si le hace falta un beso tuyo en las mañanas
Ask him if he misses a kiss from you in the mornings
Si deberas quiere amor y no placer
If he really wants love and not just pleasure
Pregunta y miralo de frente estoy seguro que te miente
Ask and look at him straight, I'm sure he lies to you
Pero no lo quieres ver
But you don't want to see it
El con tu cuerpo se divierte y yo muriendo por tenerte
He enjoys with your body, and I'm dying to have you
Cuando estes cansanda de su inmadurez aqui te esperare
When you're tired of his immaturity, I'll be here waiting